Benefits of sports:
Did you know that the fourth most common thing that kills people in the world is physical inactivity?
According to the World Health Organization, inactivity kills more than obesity, smoking, and sugar combined.
How do we protect ourselves from this lethargy?
Of course by exercising.
One of the benefits of exercise is that it protects the body from various diseases, the most important of which are depression, preserving the mind from diseases, and certainly protecting you from heart disease, in addition to having a well-toned body and getting rid of excess weight.
Exercise schedule for beginners in the gym
Warm up
Warming up is an essential and important step before starting to exercise in the gym.
Warming up is known as the process of preparing the muscles and the body in general for physical activity, as it contributes to stimulating blood circulation and ensuring better access of oxygen to all parts of the body. This procedure reduces the feeling of fatigue during exercises and improves physical performance.
In addition, warming up helps protect muscles and tendons from injuries that may result from lifting heavy weights or performing inappropriate exercises.
Before we begin, we must note that if you have not exercised for a long time, you should not lift large weights, but rather exercise all your muscles for a month to prepare them for lifting weights without injuries and get excellent results.
Gym program
Exercises 3 days a week
Saturday, Monday, Wednesday
Chest muscle:
Bench press exercise:
3 sets, each set containing 8 to 12 repetitions , Rest time 2-3 minutes.
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press:
3 sets, each set containing 8 to 12 repetitions , Rest time 2-3 minutes.
Back muscle:
wide grip pulldown:
3 sets, each set containing 8 to 12 repetitions , Rest time 2-3 minutes.
Shoulder muscle:
dumbbell shoulder:
3 sets, each set containing 8 to 12 repetitions , Rest time 2-3 minutes.
Anterior thigh muscle:
3 sets, each set containing 8 to 12 repetitions , Rest time 2-3 minutes.
leg press:
Posterior thigh muscle:
leg curl:
Biceps muscle:
db curls:
hammer curl:
Triceps muscle:
tricep extension cable:
Calf muscle:
seated calf raise:
Abdominal muscle:
sit ups:
When do the results of exercise appear on the body?
It usually takes two months for results to appear, and this depends on several factors such as age, gender, method of exercise, and the most important thing is diet and sleep.